Why Your Child Needs Vaccinations
For some, vaccinating your child has become a topic of controversy. As medical professionals, we’re here to tell you that it’s absolutely critical that your child receives all their vaccinations on time.
While modern medicine has come a long way in disease control and prevention, only one disease has truly been eradicated: small pox. The number of reported cases of diseases such as Polio and Measles have significantly dropped. We have vaccinations to thank for that.
Caused by rumors and conversations questioning the need for vaccinations, many parents began to wonder if their child really needs vaccines.
The answer is simple: yes.
Vaccines Can Save Their Lives
You might be thinking, “okay, how?” You see, vaccines are used to fend off diseases. If a disease never starts, it can never kill.
Disease rates have dropped drastically in the United States in result of vaccines and their availability.
However, not all countries are fortunate enough to have access to such high-quality medicine and vaccinations. Since not everyone in the world can be vaccinated, the diseases still exist. Which is why it’s imperative that your child is vaccinated.
Think of it as one more thing you’re willing to do to keep your child safe.
Image Courtesy of Immunize For Good.
Vaccines go far beyond your child. Like we said, when one person is vaccinated they can no longer spread that disease. This ends up protecting some who are unvaccinated, a concept called “herd community.”
When someone has vaccines, they can’t spread diseases. That means you’re protecting:
- Babies that are not old enough to get vaccines
- Unvaccinated community members
- Those allergic to components of vaccines
- People with weakened immune systems
When you vaccinate your child, you’re keeping them in a safe community.
Our society needs vaccinations. Without them, diseases that are almost eradicated have the potential to make a comeback and spread. We vaccinate to protect our children, ourselves, and our community.