Healthy Vision Month Stresses Importance of Eye Check

By Dr. Kimberly Bekemeier, DO


During this unprecedented time, there is much out of our control, but at CVMG we are still working hard to keep your health and wellness as a priority.


May is national Healthy Vision Month and we want to remind all our patients about the importance of an annual eye check. 

Although we know you may not be able to schedule this month due to concerns and guidelines amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we want you to set a reminder to have this important health screening done in the coming months. 


Eye health is for everyone

  • Remember to wear protective gear when working with metals and chemicals.
  • Protect your vision with sunglasses that have UV protection and wear a wide brim hat when you’re outside this summer.
  • For our diabetics, fluctuating blood sugars can cause changes in the small vessels that help carry good, oxygen-rich blood to your cells responsible for producing images. It is especially important for you to have a dilated eye exam that looks behind the eye at the retina yearly for any changes.
  • Did you know high blood pressure can cause swelling in the eye as well as leading to vision loss? Getting a dilated eye exam looks at how healthy your eye is and can help you make chronic disease management changes. 


And for all patients as we age, we know our vision naturally declines.  However, in addition to glasses that correct for normal aging, there are other treatable diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts that should be screened for yearly.

Most of the leading causes of blindness in the US are preventable with early detection and intervention.  Don’t let this summer pass you by without talking to your CVMG Provider about what eye screening is appropriate for you annually. 



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