Our Action Plan

June 22, 2020

CVMG is now open for all appointments – both preventative and essential visits. Keeping our patients and employees safe is a top priority at all Cucamonga Valley Medical Group locations.

When you visit one of our locations for either a preventative or essential visit, here is what you need to know:

  • Our lobbies are set up to accommodate social distancing.  Please stand or sit at least 6ft. apart.
  • We ask that you wear a face mask or face covering.
  • Your temperature will be taken before you enter our suite.
  • We ask that only one parent or legal guardian accompany a child with a scheduled appointment.
  • We ask that you bring one adult family member to accompany a disabled patient with a scheduled appointment.
  • Visitors are temporarily not permitted.
  • Patient check out will be done while in the exam room

You can be confident that we are cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces on a regular basis per CDC guidelines and that our employees have the required PPE to keep themselves, and you, safe at all times.

Thank you!  We look forward to seeing you soon.

Welcome Back! CVMG is committed to going above and beyond all recommended safety protocols.

Dr. Rahmi Mowjood, CEO,
Cucamonga Valley Medical Group

Hear from Our Experts

Providing caring compassionate care for patients is always top priority for Dr. Rahmi Mowjood, CEO, Dr. Kyle Smart, CMO and the other physicians at Cucamonga Valley Medical Group and even more so when families and communities are at risk for COVID-19. Listen as the doctors answer your questions, break down the numbers and bring understanding to the confusing charts, phrases and buzzwords from the news outlets and on social media. Get the information you need now from trusted medical experts to keep yourself and your family safe.
EN | April 30, 2020

CVMG's Message to Patients from Dr. Rahmi Mowjood

ESP | April 13, 2020

CVMG's Mensaje a las Pacientes de Dr. Rahmi Mowjood